Cyber Monday, Marketing Myth

By Robert D. Hof

Dave’s Comments (Digital Marketing Tutorial Blog): Just when I got “Black Friday” squared away in my mind (see my last post), “Cyber Monday”, which I THOUGHT I understood, goes up in smoke! Read all about it in this BusinessWeek article posted on their site on November 29th.

“Despite a huge amount of hype, the Monday after Thanksgiving is historically only the 12th-biggest online shopping day of the year

Do a Google search on “Cyber Monday,” and you get as many as 779,000 results. Not a bad haul for a term that was created just a week and a half ago to describe the jump in online shopping activity following the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday. While Black Friday is the official kickoff of the traditional retail season, the story goes, online retail really takes off the following Monday.

Just one problem: It’s not true, at least for many online retailers. Contrary to what the recent blitz of media coverage implies, Cyber Monday isn’t nearly the biggest online shopping or spending day of the year. It ranks only as the 12th-biggest day historically, according to market researcher comScore Networks. It’s not even the first big day of the season.”

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