How Linking These Two Applications Can Improve Your AdWords ROI
By Dave Ingalls
Digital Marketing Consultant
Does this sound familiar? You’ve got your AdWords ads click through rate (CTR) up in the 5-15% range, and sometimes higher, but those clicks are not translating into either online sales and/or product inquiries.
Waz up with that?! Here’s a way to find out what’s going on.
FIRST, watch this short video on YouTube by Google Analytics Evangelist Avinash Kaushik on why “Bounce Rate” might be the BEST metric to use to quickly understand what’s going right, and more importantly, what’s going wrong with your AdWords program:
“Google Analytics – Bounce Rate: The Simply Powerful Metric”
SECOND, if you haven’t done this already, you need to create a Google Analytics account and add the analytics code to each of your Web pages/Blog posts. (I’m assuming that you already have a Google AdWords account or else you wouldn’t be reading this article!)
THIRD, you need to link your Google AdWords and Google Analytics accounts together. This step can be a little tricky, so be patient and follow Google’s directions.
From Google AdWords Help:
“Link Google Analytics and AdWords”
FOURTH, wait 2-3 weeks until you have some AdWords/Analytics data to analyze.
Next Steps – Please click on this link for Part II of this exercise.