Connectivity clouds, or CDNs (Content Delivery Networks), improve agility, reduce risk, and cut IT costs. The basic concept, which serves small to moderate sized companies very well, is that a Web site’s content is distributed to many Web servers located around the world. The underlying purpose is to make the time it takes requests for Web site info to be served is as short as possible.
Cloudflare is one of the more recent “connectivity clouds” to be released. The good news, especially for small to moderate sized sites, is that it is FREE! It provides not only the world-wide posting of your Web site’s info described above, but also provides optimum protection from potential attacks on your Website. It is this concept of a univerally protected world wide web that Cloudflare sells to some of the largest companies in the world. And, in order to make that claim, Cloudflare must have as many Web sites as possible living in it’s protected online environment.
I will defer to the experts at Cloudflare to explain their services more fully. A link to Cloudflare’s Website home page is provided below:
One last note – I am and have been for the last year a very happy user of Cloudflare services!