Tangential Content Helps Boring Industries Do Well Online

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“Tangential Content Earns More Links and Social Shares in Boring Industries”

Wow! This recent MOZ article subject line jumped out and hit me over the head because I KNOW how hard it is to write compelling content for boring products in boring industries!

In my marketing career, I’ve sold and marketed the following “boring” products: high pressure liquid chromatography systems, ion selective electrodes and gas pump canopy led lights. How’s that for boring products? And the industries that produce them are even more boring!

Here’s the first few lines of the “Tangential Content” article by Kerry Jones. If you’ve ever had to sell/market a “boring” product or service (and who hasn’t?!), read on.

“Many companies still don’t see the benefit of creating content that isn’t directly about their products or brand. But unless you have a universally interesting brand, you’ll be hard-pressed to attract much of an audience if all you do is publish brand-centric content.

Content marketing is meant to solve this dilemma. By offering genuinely useful content to your target customers, rather than selling to them, you earn their attention and over time gain their trust.

And yet, I find myself explaining the value of non-branded content all too often. I frequently hear grumblings from fellow marketers that clients and bosses refuse to stray from sales-focused content. I see companies publishing what are essentially advertorials and calling it content marketing.”

Link to the full article:

Tangential Content Earns More Links and Social Shares in Boring Industries